SS France and SS Norway ship models

Around the world, there are many models of both the SS FRANCE and the SS NORWAY. One of the biggest dreams in my life is to own a large scale model myself, perhaps similar to the one located at the Norwegian Maritime Museum in Oslo, Norway. I do have a couple of smaller models which I’m very proud of, but it would be awesome to also include a much larger, detailed model in the future. 

If you own a model of the ship, or have images of a model, I would be very happy if you could please send it to I will be very honored to include them in the list below. It would also be fantastic if you could include some details about the model as well. 

The first model I would like to share was kindly submitted by my very dear and long time friend Jeff Macklin, and shows the model which was located at NCL Corporate Office in Coral Gables. In communication, Mr. Macklin recalls NCL having to hire a crane to lift the model up to the 6th floor.  The photo was taken back in May of 1990. 

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