it’s a Captains Life - One heart, two countries

Nordnorge arrival to Trondheim

A few days back, in the end of October (2015), the early morning light was really spectacular. It was a cold morning, with a slight …


Is it just me, but in the past 2 or 3 years, there have been a lot of astonishing news appearing about the space. There have been …

A personal update

Dear friend(s)… as I thought my absence from the Internet wouldn’t be too much noticed, I got some indications from very  close …

On the other side of the Trondheimsfjord

Two additional images I’d like to share with you here: both are taken from the newly reclaimed land at Grilstad Marina. The first …

Northern Lights last night

The last couple of days, there have been an increadible display of solar storms over the Northern hemisphere, so-called northern …

Stopp nedbemanningen i ferge- og lokalfarten

(Norwegian) Stopp nedbemanningen i ferge- og lokalfarten! 

Som passasjerere på skip i Norske farvann, i ferge- og lokalfarten, …

The remains of a church

Just outside Trondheim, in exact position 63°20'35.70”N  10°25'16.19”E there is one single piece remaining from a church which apperantly …

Abandoned aircrafts Philippines and Thailand

I have to admit that I do have a strange fascination for abandoned aircrafts, and aircrafts no longer in use (second life): I can’t …

Last night

I’m so ashamed to admit that last night, there was an extra-ordinary Aurora Borealis-show above the fjord, and I didn’t even bring …

Toyota (T)Hailux

For almost as long as I can remember, I have always liked the versatility of pick-up trucks, and I have had many of them in my life. …

In the name of nostalgia

Following my previous blog entry about old buses, my next blog entry is also written in the name of nostalgia. Times have changed …

Two really old veteran buses in Trondheim

I have been seeing these two veteran buses around the town for quite some time. The first one, I know was listed for sale a few …

ALOHA and a secret admirer

Some months back, while debarking my ship to go home for a night of rest, I was greeted with this bouquet of flowers attached beneath …

Last night at work

Last night at work, I was blessed with a strong southerly gale-forced wind, and absolutely clear skies, and lots of Aurora Borealis. …


From my place, to the edge of the forest is just a few minutes walk. Within this forest there are hiking-trails all over the place. …

Winter is just around the corner

This morning, as I woke up, I felt the living room floor was a little bit colder than usual. Looking outside, I understood why. The …

The storm yesterday

Yesterday morning, after a long and stormfilled nightwatch at my ship, I felt I had to go home and pick up my camera in order to …

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